Famous - Nicki Minaj

Famous - Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj


Letra de la canción Famous - Nicki Minaj, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Famous esta publicada en la categoria Nicki Minaj donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Nicki Minaj
Letra de Famous - Nicki Minaj
What the hell i´m famous (x3)
We go to the store whores

Dj María
I´m on the red carped glittering
I love the paparazzi today
take pictures everywhere
i have to hide
well for anyone to catch me
and do not let me breathe

Waht the hell i´m famous (x3)
We go to the store whores

Nicki Minaj
I'm always the journal
I leave the covers
let the whores out
I want to dominate
they think I'm pathetic
I can not do anything right
Today I tell you girls or sluts?

What the hell i´m famous (x3)
We go to the store whores

Dj María
And not to do
There are paparazzi everywhere
persecute me, I can not stand
I do not know what to do
fans are crazy
today and forever haunt me
on the day at night
I'm going to kill

(Nicki Minaj Rap)
Fuck you, fuck you
fuck no more
I hate and despise you
Animal filthy rat
I'm sick I'm going to kill
I can not even
and toilet
fuck me now
fucking bitch leave me alone
one day please!
if you hit, I demand
if I do, kill me now
I do not know what to do, fuck you once!

(Dj María)
I do not know what to do with do with so many paparazzi's
you better shut up or I'll get into the ass of you bitch!

Wath the hell i´m famous (x3)
we go to the store whores
La letra de la canción Famous - Nicki Minaj es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Nicki Minaj.
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