Fashion - Lady Gaga

Fashion - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga


Letra de la canción Fashion - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Fashion esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Lady Gaga
Letra de Fashion - Lady Gaga
I am, I'm too fabu-lous
I'm so fierce that it's so nuts
I live, to be model thin
Dress me, I'm your manne-quin

J'adore Vivienne I really want. Gucci, Fendi, et Prada. Valentino,
 Armani too. Madame love them Jimmy Choo

Fashion put it all on me
Don't you want to see these clothes on me
Fashion put it all on me
I am anyone you want me to be (2x)

Ohhhh Ohhhhh
La La La
We love designer

I need, some new stile-ttos
Can't walk, down the street in those
You are, who you wear it's true
A girl's just as hot as the shoes she choose

J'adore Weitzman I really want. Loui, Dolce Gabbana, Alexander
 McQueen, eh ou. Madame love those Manolo

Fashion put it all on me
Don't you want to see these clothes on me
Fashion put it all on me
I am anyone you want me to be (2x)

Ohhhh Ohhhhh
La La La
We Love Designer

Ohhhh Ohhhhh
La La La
We Love Designer

Fashion put it all on me
Don't you want to see these clothes on me
Fashion put it all on me
I am anyone you want me to be
Fashion put it all on me
Don't you want to see these clothes on me
Fashion put it all on me
I am anyone you want me to be

Fashion put it all on me
Don't you want to see these clothes on me
Fashion put it all on me
I am anyone you want me to be
Fashion put it all on me
Don't you want to see these clothes on me
Fashion put it all on me
I am anyone you want me to be
La letra de la canción Fashion - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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