Fireball - Nicki Minaj

Fireball - Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj


Letra de la canción Fireball - Nicki Minaj, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Fireball esta publicada en la categoria Nicki Minaj donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Nicki Minaj
Letra de Fireball - Nicki Minaj
[feat. Nicki Minaj] 

Uhm, hello, can we get the party started, yeah! 
Uhm, hello, can we get the party started... 
Young Money 

I'm the fireball, I'm the fireball, I'm the fire 
I'm the fireball, I'm the fireball, I'm the fire 
I'm the fireball, I'm the fireball, I'm the fire 
Fire, fire, fire 

[Verse 1: Willow] 
Since I landed here, I gon' phone up a Obama 
Shook the world up, now I caused a little drama 
Leader of the new school, and yes I'm gonna
Light up the block to the stage when I wanna 
Brighter than the stars, throw my head up the curve 
Don't get, walk it off, check it I walk with a slur 
Levitating in my mom's all weather fur 
I'm a rock the world, til they follow Willow 


[Verse 2: Willow] 
See I ain't never been the one to toot my own horn, beep, beep 
Now watch me put her on 
I set fire everywhere I play, make them all go insane, L.A to UK 
Now I'm a burn it up, when I step on the scene 
My whole crew is fresh, and they rolling with me 
You can turn me up yep to the extreme 
I'm a rock the World til they follow with me 


[Verse 3: Nicki Minaj] 
Ayo Willow, didn't I just see you in China? (wattup) 
Y-y-you're real major even though you a minor 
Your daddy keep you in designer 
Y-y-your gali-gali-gali ya your Girly kinda 
Ok I'm the street fighter, call me Chun-Li 
A-a-and it's goin' down, l-l-like a bum knee 
Built a guest house to put the coupe in 
'Cause I'm a fireball, Hadouken 
Put you under my wing, I'm the top boss 
Ain't from Louisiana but I'm hot sauce 
Cuffed the mountain just to go and build a house off 
So I ain't never gotta worry what the house cost 
If they comin' at you tell 'em raise up 
When it's time to whip your hair put your braids up 
Tell 'em escalator, elevator yeah that mean to step your weight up 
Ain't nobody greater, Will and Jada is my neighbor, hater! 


Watch the fire burn, burn, burn 
Watch me heat it up 
Watch the fire burn, burn, burn 
Watch me heat it up 
Watch the fire burn, burn, burn 
Watch me heat it up 

La letra de la canción Fireball - Nicki Minaj es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Nicki Minaj.
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