Firm Biz 08 - Nicki Minaj

Firm Biz 08 - Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj

Firm Biz 08

Letra de la canción Firm Biz 08 - Nicki Minaj, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Firm Biz 08 esta publicada en la categoria Nicki Minaj donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Nicki Minaj
Letra de Firm Biz 08 - Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj: 
Ya girl been hot since corduroys 
Since quarter waters and all the boys 
Used ta try to beat like corner boys 
Cuz they heard the pussy wetter thsn them Dorney Rides 
fuck wat wit chu fuck wit who 
'long as them check clear like huxtables 
I'm known to hang wit a thug or two 
Niggaz that only do what a thug would do 
Ask about me the feds watch dally 
Gettin more cheese more bread than a deli 
And I'm gettin love fan mail like melly 
And i throw it up 12 o clock when i willy 
Im in the air scoop my nigga j 
Who gotta be craze 
U gotta get paid 
Aint nothing worst then being a broke bitch 
i always got crack i tell em to smoke this 

Yo ya boy been nice since thudercats 
Since leather bombers and thumberjacks 
Come outside wit a 100 sacks 
Wot jeans wit the sweatpants under that 
Front on who not on me 
Niggaz know i put the 17 shot on me 
Made a lil sumthin off rap a lot off D 
Get ya points off another nigga not off me 
Air forces new true's and a crispy Tee 
New coupe nigga CL-63 
Cost you nothin we get hit for free 
Wit nicki nah matter of fact the bitch wit me 

Nicki Minaj: 
So you wanna sip goose and play Nintendo wii no 
Get the bricks and flip the ya yo 
Chrip if you looking for the work 
100 dollars of gresy im misses gettin busy 
Feds getting dizzy niggaz tryna get me 
So i change the sizzy combination to the cizzy 
Brand new V thats wat i get for pitchin 
Nice lil crib a couch that i culd sit in 
Umm i mean sit on blow piff, fuck a bitch on 
Oops i mean feller keeps the umbrella 
And i only fuck wit them paper makers 
Nicki Lewinsky LK ta Jada
La letra de la canción Firm Biz 08 - Nicki Minaj es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Nicki Minaj.
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