Get It - Michael Jackson

Get It - Michael Jackson
Letra de la canción Get It - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Get It esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Get It - Michael Jackson
Miss Lady Girl
Is putting her love on the shelf
Cause she don't want
To be hurt by nobody else
She's taken her heart
And put it away under lock and key
But its high time
Miss Lady Girl sets her heart free and gives her love to me
Some think that diamond rings; fancy cars
Will make a big impression
But I know that all she needs is my tender
Love and affection
Cause she still says
That no one's gonna get it
No one's gonna get it, oh no
But someone's gotta get it
And I feel that I will be the one who will
No one's gonna get it
No one's gonna get it, oh no
But someone's gotta get it
And I know that I will be the one who will
Gonna get it, her love
Gonna get it, her kisses
Gonna get it, her heart
Gonna get it, get it
Miss Lady Girl
Has buried her feelings deep inside
Cause she don't want
To be taken for another ride
She's sick and tired
Of being on that lonely merry-go-round
She just don't know
That the ultimate love of her life is about to be found
They think that ready cash, flashy clothes
Will her life with laughter
But I've got the very thing that she needs
True love forever after
Then no more will she say
That no one's gonna get it
No one's gonna get it, oh no
But someone's gotta get it
And I feel that I will be the one who will
No one's gonna get it
No one's gonna get it, oh no
But someone's gotta get it
And I know that I will be the one who will
Gonna get it, her love
Gonna get it, her kisses
Gonna get it, her heart
Gonna get it, get it
La letra de la canción Get It - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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