Gimme Money - Nicki Minaj ft. Ester Dean

Gimme Money  - Nicki Minaj ft. Ester Dean
Nicki Minaj

Gimme Money

Letra de la canción Gimme Money - Nicki Minaj ft. Ester Dean, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Gimme Money esta publicada en la categoria Nicki Minaj donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Nicki Minaj
Letra de Gimme Money - Nicki Minaj ft. Ester Dean
Nicki Minaj 
Ayo ester, never been a guesser 
But I bet my bottom dollar, 
Bitches under pressure 
Moved out to la, now it's like I sell yay 
Money so offensive, niggas call me elway 
[Refrain] Ester Dean 
You wanna 
Gimme money, gi-gimme money. gimme money 
I'd rather have your time, time 
I'd rather spend your time, time 
You can't 
Gimme money, gi-gimme money. gimme money 
I'd rather have your time, time 
'cause I got mine, mine 

Ester Dean 
Sit down, let me buy you a drink, boy (na na na) 
You've never seen a chick like me, boy (na na na) 
Your money ain't a thing I need, boy (na na na) 
I bought the new crib, keep the rent, boy (na na na) 

I can have what I want, I can buy what I want 
All I need is your attention 
I can have anything that I want 
But I just want you 

[Refrain] Ester Dean 

Ester Dean 
Your money can't buy everything, boy (na na na) 
I need your lobe more than a ring, boy (na na na) 
Yeah, I like nice things, that's the icing (na na na) 
But you gotta give me more and make me your girl (na na na) 

I can have what I want, I can buy what I want 
All I need is your attention 
I can have anything that I want 
But I just want you 

[Refrain] Ester Dean 

Nicki Minaj 
Ayo ester, never been a guesser 
But I bet my bottom dollar, 
Bitches under pressure 
Moved out to la, now it's like I sell yay 
Money so offensive, niggas call me elway 
If I needed money, I would be up in the bank 
The crib got exotic fishes in the tank 
The 24 gold karat, dishes in the sank 
Them bum bitches just be taking pictures when they plank 
You wanna gimme money, gimme money, gimme money uhh 
I'm up in Hong-Kong rocking Shojono Tomo 
Lobster, sushi rolls with a side of soy sauce 
Chopsticks, you know we don't give a fork 

[Refrain] Ester Dean 

All on me (x9)
La letra de la canción Gimme Money - Nicki Minaj ft. Ester Dean es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Nicki Minaj.
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