Girl at Home - Taylor Swift

Girl at Home - Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

Girl at Home

Letra de la canción Girl at Home - Taylor Swift, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Girl at Home esta publicada en la categoria Taylor Swift donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Girl at Home - Taylor Swift
Letra de Girl at Home - Taylor Swift
Don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that, 
Everybody knows that, 
Don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that. 

I don't even know her, 
But I feel a responsibility, 
To do what's upstanding and right, 
It's kinda like a code, yeah, 
And you've been getting closer and closer, 
And crossing lines. 

And it would be a fine proposition, 
If I was a stupid girl, 
But honey I am no-one's exception, 
This I have previously learned. 

So don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that,Everybody knows that, 
Don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that, 
Everybody knows that, 
I see you turn off your phone, 
And now you got me alone, 
And I say, 
Don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that, 
Everybody knows that. 

I just wanna make sure, 
You understand perfectly, 
You're the kind of man who makes me sad, 
While she waits up, 
You chase down the newest thing, 
And take for granted what you have. 

And it would be a fine preposition, 
If I was a stupid girl, 
And yeah I might go with it, 
If I hadn't once been just like her. 

Don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that, 
Everybody knows that, 
Don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that, 
Everybody knows that, 
I see you turn off your phone, 
And now you've got me alone, 
And I say, 
Don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that, 
Everybody knows that. 

Call a cab, 
Lose my number, 
You're about to lose your girl, 
Call a cab, 
Lose my number, 
Let's consider this lesson learned. 

Don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that, 
Everybody knows that, 
Don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that, 
Everybody knows that, 
Wanna see you pick up your phone, 
And tell her you're coming home, 
Don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that, 
Everybody knows that, 
Don't look at me, 
You've got a girl at home, 
And everybody knows that, 
Everybody knows that. 

It would be a fine proposition, 
If I hadn't once been just like her.
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