The Moment I Knew - Taylor Swift

The Moment I Knew - Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

The Moment I Knew

Letra de la canción The Moment I Knew - Taylor Swift, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción The Moment I Knew esta publicada en la categoria Taylor Swift donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
The Moment I Knew - Taylor Swift
Letra de The Moment I Knew - Taylor Swift
The Moment I Knew 
You should have been there, 
should have burst through the door, with that 
‘baby I’m right here’ smile, 
and it would have felt like, a million 
little shining stars that just aligned. 
And I would have been so happy... 
Christmas lights glisten, 
I’ve got my eye on the door, 
just waiting for you to walk in, 
but the time is ticking and people ask me how I’ve been, 
as I comb back through my memory. 

How you said you’d be here, 
you said you’d be here. 
And it was like slow motion, 
standing there in my party dress, in red lipstick, 
with no-one to impress, 
and they’re all laughing as I’m looking around the room, 
and there’s one thing missing... 
and that was the moment I knew. 

And the hours pass by, 
and I just want to be alone, 
but your close friends always seem 
to know when there’s something really wrong, 
so they follow me down the hall, 
and there in the bathroom I try not to fall apart, 
as the sinking feeling starts, 
and I say hopelessly... he said he’d be here. 

And it was like slow motion, 
standing there in my party dress, 
in red lipstick, with no-one to impress, 
and they’re all laughing and asking me 
all about you but there’s one thing missing... 
and that was the moment I knew. 

What do you say when tears are streaming down 
your face in front of everyone you know? 

And what do you do when the one who means 
the most to you is the one who didn’t show? 

You should have been here, 
and I would have been so happy. 

And it was like slow motion, 
standing there in my party dress, 
in red lipstick, with no-one to impress, 
and they’re all sitting around me singing ‘Happy Birthday To You’ 
and there’s one thing missing... 
and that was the moment I knew. 

You called me later and said ‘I’m sorry I didn’t make it,’ 
and I said, ‘I’m sorry too.’ 

And that was the moment I knew...
La letra de la canción The Moment I Knew - Taylor Swift es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Taylor Swift.
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