Goin' Back To Indiana - Michael Jackson

Goin' Back To Indiana - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Goin' Back To Indiana

Letra de la canción Goin' Back To Indiana - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Goin' Back To Indiana esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Goin' Back To Indiana - Michael Jackson
I'm goin' back to Indiana
Back to where I started from
Goin' back to Indiana
Indiana here I come
I spread my wings for greener pastures
I still ain't found what I was after
I've got the blues and that is why I sing
I just wanna do my thing, yeah
I'm goin' back to Indiana
Indiana, here I come, yeah, yeah
I'm goin' back to Indiana
'cause that's where my baby's from
Yeah, okay Tito you got it
I'm goin' back to Indiana
Indiana, here I come
I'm goin' back to Indiana
'cause that's where my baby's from, yeah
Hollywood you got a lot of pretty things
I saw a lot of movies stars with diamonds rings
But I ain't got my baby and I'm feeling wrong
That's why I got to sing my song
I'm goin' back to Indiana
Indiana, here I come
I'm goin' back to Indiana
'cause that's where my baby's from, yeah
I'm comin', I'm comin', I'm comin'
I'm home, yeah
Ha ha Sis Boom Bah
One more time for Roosevelt High
Johny Ray, Tex, Scooter and Lorenzo too
Watch T W Brown do the boogaloo
Ev'ry soul that passes by
This song is for you from the Jackson 5
I'm comin home It's plain to see
I still got Indiana soul in me
I'm goin' back to Indiana
Indiana, here I come
I'm goin' back to Indiana
'cause that's where my baby's from, yeah
That's where she is, yeah yeah yeah
La letra de la canción Goin' Back To Indiana - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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