Gracias - Aventura

Gracias - Aventura


Letra de la canción Gracias - Aventura, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Gracias esta publicada en la categoria Aventura donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

Letra de Gracias - Aventura
Don't ya get tired of
them talking about us
We talk bad and we talk good
You are just making us more famouse
Just love my fans, I even love
the hatters you know
I'm use to it

Sometimes it just feels that
If we weren't Aventura,
Trabajo en la fritura,
You wouldn't speak of us.
And all these girls all love us -
Do they really really love us?
Cause in school it wasn't like this
Y hoy todo cambio

No me conoces solos escuchas mi voz.
You don't know me,
You haven't spoke to none of us.
Como te atreves a llamarme comparon.
Yo soy humilde tengo buen corazon.
Para llegar a la fama
Tienes que ser un campeon.
we've been booed out of stage
And look at us.
You can't stop us you can't fade us.
I love my fans but fuck the haters.
This industry is full of hate and love.
Hoy me siento ser el mas popular,
Pero no olvido mi barrio.
Holla back mi gente hermosa
Que tanto quiero;
Dominicano, Puertorriqueño.
Gracias a Dios, gracias a Mami,
Gracias Papa

Sometimes it just feels that
If we weren't Aventura,
Trabajo en la fritura,
You wouldn't speak of us.
And all these girls all love us -
Do they really really love us?
Cause in school it wasn't like this
Y hoy todo cambio
[Más Letras en]

Because of you we're number one -
Que me ames o me odies
Because of you we're number one -
And we'll be together always
Because of you we're number one -
Los envidiosos listen up.
We invented this style.

Let me find out
Jc get ready for the heat
Oh to all the new groups
We ainght hatting on ya Good luck
We only wanted some respect

Sometimes it just feels that
If we weren't Aventura,
Trabajo en la fritura,
You wouldn't speak of us.
And all these girls all love us -
Do they really really love us?
Cause in school it wasn't like this
Y hoy todo cambio

Sometimes it just feels that
If we weren't Aventura,
Trabajo en la fritura,
You wouldn't speak of us.
And all these girls all love us -
Do they really really love us?
Cause in school it wasn't like this
Y hoy todo cambio cambio bio io

[Speaking:] Yeah man
Yo mikey pictures us if we
were something else
Will they still follow us
Yo lenny what if you had to
find another job man
I think people won't look
at us the same dog
Yo what if henry was
flipping some burgers dog
That be crazy
Or picture me as a po-po
and stuff like a seargent like jonny
Man they will body slam you man
Nigga try to play me and shit
Yo but whatever love us or hat us
that's right we aventura, always will be
Nine years now, nine years dog
Still going stong, they
don't know that though
Now they do
This is likes gods project
La letra de la canción Gracias - Aventura es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Aventura.
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