Gun Shot - Nicki Minaj

Gun Shot - Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj

Gun Shot

Letra de la canción Gun Shot - Nicki Minaj, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Gun Shot esta publicada en la categoria Nicki Minaj donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Nicki Minaj
Letra de Gun Shot - Nicki Minaj
Mi man, mi say, nuff gyal a road a chase you lately
Mi know, the truth, but that don’t bother me
So tell dem gyal dem oooh
And tell ya friend dem oooh

My gun a go gun shot, In a dem blood clot
Hit dem wit it which part
Any way dem go suh
Tell dem gyal dem yooo
Tell dem gyal seh yooo
My gun go shot, give dem all blood clot
Hit dem wit it which part
Any way dem go suh
Tell dem gyal dem yooo
Mek dem gyal dem know

Mi man, you say, I’m crazy over you baby
No mat-ter what they can’t get in between us
So tell dem gyal dem ooohh
And tell ya friend dem ooohh

My gun a go gun shot, In a dem blood clot
Hit dem wit it which part
Any way dem go suh
Tell dem gyal dem yooo
Tell dem gyal seh yooo
My gun go shot, give dem all blood clot
Hit dem wit it which part
Any way dem go suh
Tell dem gyal dem yooo
Mek dem gyal dem know

Zaga, I am the girls dem sugar
Sometimes Mi girlfriend wonder
Mek mi tell yuh something
Beenie Man, I’m a G
The girls them provide the lock for my key
You alone, mi a pree, you fulfill all my desires for me
So mi a go tell a gyal oooh
And her friend dem ooohhh

I love it when yuh ….. back shot
None a dem nuh have that, some of them running
Mi a go tell a gyal yooo
Mi a go tell a gyal yooo
Cause I love it when yuh ….. back shot
None a dem nuh have that, some of them running
Mi a go tell a gyal yooo
Mi a go tell a gyal yooo

Hey pretty Nicki
My admiral icky friend dem a tell mi seh you have the sticky sticky
Gyal how yuh hot, and yuh sexy and pretty
Me, yuh cherry mi want pick eh
But its not every girl in my life, I’ve introduced to my mama
But you are the girl I man choose to give honor
So when some careless gyal a come with them silly drama
Tell dem pause like a sentence, mi using the comma
Mek we visit Marc Jacobs and call the wedding planner
For a romantic setting in the middle of the summer
Ya love is in di air, and it a behave like a ..
Now the heart in a mi chest is like a hammer

I love it when yuh ….. back shot
None a dem nuh have that, some of them running
Mi a go tell a gyal yooo
Mi a go tell a gyal yooo
Cause I love it when yuh ….. back shot
None a dem nuh have that, some of them running
Mi a go tell a gyal yooo
Mi a go tell a gyal yooo
La letra de la canción Gun Shot - Nicki Minaj es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Nicki Minaj.
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