Highway Unicorn (Road To Love) - Lady Gaga

Highway Unicorn (Road To Love) - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga

Highway Unicorn (Road To Love)

Letra de la canción Highway Unicorn (Road To Love) - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Highway Unicorn (Road To Love) esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Lady Gaga
Letra de Highway Unicorn (Road To Love) - Lady Gaga
We can be strong, we can be strong
Out on this lonely road, on the road to love
We can be strong, we can be strong
Follow that unicorn on the road to love

Run, run with the t- (repeats)

Run, run with the top down baby, she flies
Run, run with the fury of the saint in her eyes
Run, run hide your cha-cha, baby she goes
With blonde hair and a gun smoking under her toes

Ride, ride, pony, ride, ride
Ride, ride, pony, tonight

We can be strong, we can be strong
Out on this lonely road, on the road to love
We can be strong, we can be strong
Follow that unicorn on the road to love

I'm on the road, I'm on the road to love

I'm on the road, I'm on the road to love

She's just an American riding a dream
And she's got rainbow syrup in her heart that she bleeds
They don't care if your papers or your love is the law
She's a free soul burning roads with the flag in her bra

Ride, ride, pony, ride, ride
Ride, ride, pony, tonight

We can be strong, we can be strong
Out on this lonely road, on the road to love
We can be strong, we can be strong
Follow that unicorn on the road to love

I'm on the road, I'm on the road to love
I'm on the road, I'm on the road to love

Get your hot rods ready to rumble 'cuz we're gonna fall in love tonight
Get your hot rods ready to rumble 'cuz we're gonna drink until we die
Get your hot rods ready to rumble 'cuz we're gonna fall in love tonight
Get your hot rods ready to rumble 'cuz we're gonna drink until we die
La letra de la canción Highway Unicorn (Road To Love) - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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