Holy Ground - Taylor Swift

Holy Ground - Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

Holy Ground

Letra de la canción Holy Ground - Taylor Swift, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Holy Ground esta publicada en la categoria Taylor Swift donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Holy Ground - Taylor Swift
Letra de Holy Ground - Taylor Swift
I was reminiscing just the other day, 
While having coffee all alone and Lord, it took me away. 
Back to a first-glance feeling on New York time. 
Back when you fit in my poems like a perfect rhyme. 
Took off fast through the green light, go, 
Hey, skip the conversation and you already know. 
I left a note on the door with a joke we’d made, 
And that was the first day. 
And darling, it was good never looking down. 
And right there where we stood was holy ground. 

Spinning like a girl in a brand new dress, 
We had this big wide city all to ourselves. 
We blocked the noise with the sound of ‘I need you’, 
And for the first time I had something to lose, 
Well I guess we fell apart in the usual way. 
And the story’s got dust on every page, 
Sometimes I wonder how you think about it now. 
And I see your face in every crowd. 

Cause darling, it was good never looking down. 
And right there where we stood was holy ground. 

Tonight I’m gonna dance for all that we’ve been through. 
But I don’t wanna dance if I’m not dancing with you. 
Tonight I’m gonna dance like you were in the next room. 
But I don’t wanna dance if I’m not dancing with you, 

It was good never looking down. 
And right there where we stood was holy ground. 

Tonight I’m gonna dance for all that we’ve been through. 
But I don’t wanna dance if I’m not dancing with you. 
Tonight I’m gonna dance like you were in the next room. 
But I don’t wanna dance if I’m not dancing with you
La letra de la canción Holy Ground - Taylor Swift es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Taylor Swift.
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