How Come - Jaes Morrison

How Come - Jaes Morrison
James Morrison

How Come

Letra de la canción How Come - Jaes Morrison, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción How Come esta publicada en la categoria James Morrison donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
James Morrison
Letra de How Come - Jaes Morrison
How come you always wind up changing your direction?
How come you always end up dancing through the room?
How come you always never wanna use protection?
How come you´re floating like a helium balloon?

I can´t keep up
You´re moving too fast
I got to know
Is this gonna last?
Coz I can´t tell whether you´re up or you´re down
This whole situation is spinning me round
Spinning me round
Spinning me round

How come you always end up changing your intentions?
How ocme you always wind up blowing hot and cold?
One minute honest then you´re full of false pretension
Head in the clouds but still you´re desperate to control, to control

I just don´t know what to believe
You build me and then you bring me down on my knees
You say you want me
Then you´re up and you´re gone
I got to know just where you´re coming from
Coming from, where you´re coming from

I got to know before it´s over
One way or the other
If you´re stringing me along

I can´t keep up
You´re moving too fast
I got to know
Is this gonna last?
Coz I can´t tell whether you´re up or you´re down
This whole situation is spinning me round
Spinning me round
Spinning me round

How come?
How come?

How come you always wind up changing your direction?

La letra de la canción How Come - Jaes Morrison es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista James Morrison.
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