Is There Anybody Home
Letra de la canción Is There Anybody Home - James Morrison, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Is There Anybody Home esta publicada en la categoria James Morrison donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Is There Anybody Home - James Morrison
I've been moving in the wrong direction I've been looking for something that's gone Is there anybody who can hear me? Is there anybody home? Is there anybody home? Tell me, where are all the happy people? Where is the simple song? Even the birds have lost their music Tell me what is going on Well, tell me what is going on And we live our lives through magazines And see our neighbours on tv Hope someday that we can be like them And ain't it sad that deep inside We lost ourselves and don't know why I look up to the sky when I'm alone And I wonder is there's anybody home Everybody's gonna say it's crazy They say that it can't be done When did we all stopped dreaming About a world where everyone belongs Where everyone belongs The children lost their childhood The mothers have lost their strength The fathers have to keep on working Till the day the money's spent Oh, before they drop and die Well, we turn our back on what is real We don't even know how it feels Really want to buy a bigger car Baby ain't it true that deep in you This feeling lives and lingers too You look up to the sky when you're alone And you wonder is there's anybody home Tell me, tell me, tell me what is going on We live our lives through magazines We see our neighbours on tv Hope someday we'll be like them We lost ourselves and don't know why I look up to the sky when I'm alone And I wonder is there anybody home Is there anybody home
La letra de la canción Is There Anybody Home - James Morrison es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista James Morrison.
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