I Never Heard - Michael Jackson

I Never Heard - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

I Never Heard

Letra de la canción I Never Heard - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I Never Heard esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de I Never Heard - Michael Jackson
This is it
Here I stand
In the light of the world
Love is grand
And this love
I can feel
And I know
Yes, for sure
It is real
And it seems as though
I've seen your face a thousand times
And you know
That you've seen my face before
And you said that you don't want me
To come around
But many times
I'm gonna do it to this love
Ooh, yeah
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
Come on, please, baby
I'm trustin'
This is it
Here I stand
With you I've got the world in my hands
And this love
That I feel
Yes, I know
That's for sure
This is real
In my dreams I've seen your face a thousand times
But I know
Never felt this way before
I look at you
And I can't believe the love I found
And I know
That I can never want for more
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
Come on, baby
I'm trustin'
This is it
(This is it)
Here I am
(Here I am)
I'm in love
And I'm at your command
(Your command)
This love
That I feel
(That I feel)
Never thought it could feel so real
I can feel you turn the key
That free my broken heart
Now I'm not afraid to love
Against some odds
And you're everything I know
That I can want and more
But I really didn't know it until now
No, no
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
Come on, baby
I'm trustin'
Oh, yeah
I never heard a single
(Word about you)
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thought that I could be your lover
Come on, my baby
I'm trustin'
Oh, yeah
I never heard a single
(Word about you)
Oh, no
Come on, my baby
I'm trustin'
Yeah, yeah
I'm trustin'
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You see, you see
I never heard, I never heard
I never heard, I never heard
About you
La letra de la canción I Never Heard - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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