I Won’t Let You Go - James Morrison

I Won’t Let You Go - James Morrison
James Morrison

I Won’t Let You Go

Letra de la canción I Won’t Let You Go - James Morrison, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I Won’t Let You Go esta publicada en la categoria James Morrison donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
James Morrison

Letra de I Won’t Let You Go - James Morrison

When it's black,
Take a little time to hold yourself
Take a little time to feel around
Before it's gone

You won't let go,
But still do you keep on falling down
Remember how you saved me now
From more of my own

And if it's love, just feel it
And if this life won't see it
This is no time to be alone, alone,
Yeah, I won't let you go, uh

Say those words,
Say those words like there's nothing else
Close your eyes and you might believe
That there is someway out

Open up,
Open up your heart to me now
Let it all come pouring now
There's nothing I can't take

And if it's love, just feel it
And if this life won't see it
This is no time to be alone, alone,
Yeah, I won't let you go, uh

If the sky is falling,
Just take my hand and hold it
You don't have to be alone, alone,
Yeah, I won't let you go, uh

And if you feel the flame of love tonight
And you're too free to carry on the fire
And all your friends that you cannot hide,
I'll be here night going, forever holding on


And if it's love, just feel it
And if this life won't see it
This is no time to be alone, alone,
Yeah, I won't let you go, uh

If the sky is falling,
Just take my hand and hold it
You don't have to be alone, alone,
Yeah, I won't let you go, uh

I won't let you go, no
I won't let
I won't let you go, no
I won't let
I won't let you go, no
Won't let you go
La letra de la canción I Won’t Let You Go - James Morrison es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista James Morrison.
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