I’m Alright - Taylor Swift

I’m Alright - Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

I’m Alright

Letra de la canción I’m Alright - Taylor Swift, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I’m Alright esta publicada en la categoria Taylor Swift donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
I’m Alright - Taylor Swift
Letra de I’m Alright - Taylor Swift
Those green eyes and that contagious smile 
And those lips, and the way they verbalize 
Oh New York City, what a beauty to our eyes 
Then you held my hand the first time 
You looked at me and smile 

Everything was perfect 
Everything was great 
I was on a fairytale 
It's a dream while I'm awake 
But days passed and we weren't there 
And it felt like we didn't care anymore 

But why'd we say goodbye 
We said we didn't have enough time 
For both of us 
We said we'll try 
To work things out 
But all 'a sudden we're all tired 
And said goodbye 
It's sad not to hear you 
Calling me up 
At 3am 
No one's ever gonna sing to me 
Stevie Wonder songs again 

I'll miss your kiss and you curly hair 
But now that we said goodbye 
I'll pretend that I'm alright 
Yeah, I'm alright 
I'm alright 
You said you didn't wanna see me cry 
Well, I'll pretend that I'm alright 
I'm alright 

I'll miss you holding hotel keys 
And watch you sing to girls with happy tears 
When you're on stage 
You point at me 
You sing to me 
As I chant your name 

And as the spotlights disappear 
It's a different person that I'm with 
So much simpler 
So much better 
And just so beautiful 

The way we laugh with four more guys 
You walk around naked and cover my eyes 
You're just so funny 
I can't believe we're letting this go 

But why'd we say goodbye 
We said we didn't have enough time 
For both of us 
We said we'll try 
To work things out 
But all 'a sudden we're all tired 
And said goodbye 

It's sad not to hear you 
Calling me up 
At 3am 
No one's ever gonna sing to me 
Stevie Wonder songs again 

I'll miss your kiss and you curly hair 
But now that we said goodbye 
I'll pretend that I'm alright 
Yeah, I'm alright 
I'm alright 
You said you didn't wanna see me cry 
Well, I'll pretend that I'm alright 
I'm alright 

Maybe it's time to let go 
Maybe it's better off alone 
Maybe today's the wrong time 
Someday, we'll learn to be strong 
Maybe you're right about this 
We're busy people with busy lives 
We can't keep up on this 
So goodbye 

Call me up at 3am 
Sing me Stevie Wonder songs again 
Your kiss and your curly hair 
Never gonna say goodbye 
'Cause we're alright.
La letra de la canción I’m Alright - Taylor Swift es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Taylor Swift.
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