Slave To The Music - James Morrison

Slave To The Music - James Morrison
James Morrison

Slave To The Music

Letra de la canción Slave To The Music - James Morrison, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Slave To The Music esta publicada en la categoria James Morrison donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
James Morrison
Letra de Slave To The Music - James Morrison
Why don't you come back?
Please hurry, Why dont you come back?
Please hurry...

Since you've been gone
I shut my eyes
And I fantasize
That you're here with me

Will you ever return?
I want you satisfide
'Till you're by my side
Don't wait any longer...

Why don't you come back?
Please hurry, Why dont you come back?
Please hurry...

Come back and stay for good this time
Come back and stay for good this time

You said goodbye
I was trying to hide
What I felt inside
Until you passed me by

You said you'd return
You said that you'd be mine
'Till the end of time
Don't wait any longer!

Please hurry, why don't you come back?
Please hurry, Why dont you come back?
Please hurry...

Come back and stay for good this time
Come back and stay for good this time

Why dont you come back?

Since you've been gone...

Opened my eyes
And I realize
What we had together

Will you ever return?
I'll have you change your mind
If you won't stay mine
Just love me forever!

Why don't you come back?
Please hurry, why don't you come back?
Please hurry, why don't you come back?
Please hurry, why don't you come back?
Please hurry!

Come back and stay for good this time
Come back and stay for good this time
Why don't you stay for good this time
Baby come back...
Do know you got stay this time
Why don't you come back and
Stay for good this time
Do know you got to stay
Stay for good this time
Stay for good this time
Why don't you stay for good this time
Baby come back...
Don't ever leave me...

La letra de la canción Slave To The Music - James Morrison es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista James Morrison.
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