Johnny Raven - Michael Jackson

Johnny Raven - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Johnny Raven

Letra de la canción Johnny Raven - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Johnny Raven esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Johnny Raven - Michael Jackson
Free and untamed that's how I've grown
Settling down ain't my nature
Roots I'll never own
Oh your smile
But tell me, ain't your child
How can you cage a bird
Born to be wild
I'm Johnny Raven by and by
Oh, I'm going to leave yoour nest girl
Another nest to try
Ooh Johnny Raven
Girl you know I shouldn't have loved you
Yeah, but I gotta leave yoou
When my restless heart says goodbye
Look at you little girl
You feel love so deep
If I could change in a second
I'd change for you like that
Stay right here for keeps
But I'm home free for no thrills
Stray I will
Seems I gotta need one girl
Never can feel
Yeah I'm Johnny Raven by and by
Oh, I'm going to leave yoour nest girl
Another nest to try
Ooh Johnny Raven
Girl you know I shouldn't have loved you
Yeah, but I gotta leave yoou
When my restless heart says goodbye
Everybody knows my name
I'm Johnny Raven yeah, yeah by abd by
I'm gonna fly
When you cry part of me's gonna die
La letra de la canción Johnny Raven - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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