Just Friends - Michael Jackson

Just Friends - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Just Friends

Letra de la canción Just Friends - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Just Friends esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Just Friends - Michael Jackson
You and me
We've traded hearts
I guess that's how
It always starts out
And then I guess it always ends
Look at us
I don't think that you and me
Can just be friends
Maybe this is how the whole thing
Has to just end
And if we could
Have loved enough
(La la dee, la la dee dah dah, la la dah, la la dah, la la dah,
We would have handled
When it got rough
But one of us let go too soon
So here we are
(Here we are)
Now sayin'
I don't think that you and me
Can just be friends
Maybe this is how the whole thing
Has to just end
I wish you'd understand...
It's funny how
When love has gone
There's only one left holdin' on
When someone's always hurtin' more
Still lonely for the other
I don't think that you and me
Can just be friends
I don't ever wanna feel so much again
Feel again...
Unless it's you..
You... again
(La la dee, la la dee dah dah, la la dah, la la dah, la la dah,
I guess that's how it always starts out
And then I guess
It always ends
Look at us
(Look at us)
Now sayin'
I don't think that you and me
Can just be friends
Maybe this is how the whole thing
Has to just end?
La la dee, la la dee dah dah, la la dah, la la dah, la la dah,
La letra de la canción Just Friends - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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