Love Is Here And Now You're Gone - Michael Jackson

Love Is Here And Now You're Gone - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Love Is Here And Now You're Gone

Letra de la canción Love Is Here And Now You're Gone - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Love Is Here And Now You're Gone esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Love Is Here And Now You're Gone - Michael Jackson
And oh my darling, now you're gone
Love is here
And oh my darling, now you're gone
You persuaded me to love you
And I did
But instead of tenderness
I found heartache instead
Into your arms I fell
So unaware of the loneliness
Thar was waiting there
You closed the door to your heart, girl
And you turned the key
Locked your love away from me
Love is here
And oh my darling, now you're gone
You made me love you
And oh my darling, now you're gone
You said loving you
Would make life beautiful
With each passing day
But as soon as love came
Into my heart
You turned and you walked
Just walked away
You stripped me of my dreams
You gave me faith, then you took my hope
Look at me now
Look at me
See what loving has done to me
Look at my face
See how cryin' has left its trace
After you made me all your own
Then you left me all alone
You made your words sound so sweet
Knowing that your love I couldn't keep
My heart cries out for your touch
But baby, you're not there
And the lonely cry fades in the air
Love is here
And oh my darling, now you're gone
Love is here
And oh my darling, now you're gone
You made me love you
Oh oh my darling, now you're gone
Talking 'bout love, love, love, love,
Ooh ooh my darling, now you're gone
La letra de la canción Love Is Here And Now You're Gone - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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