Make Tonight All Mine - Michael Jackson

Make Tonight All Mine - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Make Tonight All Mine

Letra de la canción Make Tonight All Mine - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Make Tonight All Mine esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Make Tonight All Mine - Michael Jackson
 [VERSE 1]
Ooh baby now, I've been watchin' you girl
When you dance you steal the show
Just like you steal my heart...
When the lights were low
All the guys are waiting
pleading just to squeeze you tight
Oh, darling no no no please not tonight
Cuz now you're in my arms girl, you thrill my soul
C'mon hold me close
Rock me slow
Baby never let me go
Oh, baby make tonight all mine
I can make you happy
Jjust gimme a try
Oh, I've waited such a long, long time
Make tonight all mine
(Baby I...)
Can satisfy you
Gonna 'lectrify you
C'mon let me prove it
Show you I can do it
I've been walkin' like a shadow,
Right behind you by myself
While you've been walking home
With someone else
Don't you know it hurts me,
Seeing you with other guys
Oh, darling no no no please not tonight
When the party's over, let me walk you home
I'll hold you close
Rock you slow
Never, never let you go
Oh, baby make tonight all mine
I can make you happy
Just gimme a try
Oh, I've waited such a long, long time
Make tonight all mine
(Baby I...)
Oh, all, all mine, mine, mine, mine yeah

Oh, baby make tonight all mine
I can make you happy, yeah
Oh, I've waited such a long, long time
Make tonight all mine
(Baby I...)
Hey what you say girl?
Can we slip away girl?
I wanna get into you
Let me do it to you, oh
(Oh, baby make tonight all mine)
(Oh, I've waited such a long, long time)
(Baby I...)
La letra de la canción Make Tonight All Mine - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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