Masquerade - Nicki Minaj

Masquerade - Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj


Letra de la canción Masquerade - Nicki Minaj, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Masquerade esta publicada en la categoria Nicki Minaj donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Nicki Minaj
Letra de Masquerade - Nicki Minaj
Verse 1:
Feel the beat of the drum
Move like ya really wanna be number 1
You can beat out the comp
Run like ya really wanna be at the top
Adrenaline rush 'cus...
You have been identified as a hustla'
Topic of the discussion but beat it like a percussion
And chuck the deuce up and tell 'em it's just love
Damn diggity-dog
Let them bums stay mad 'cus we livin' it up

Shelltops is on
And I'm popping like, I'm popping like, I'm popping some corn

And now
I don't wanna take you if we fall down
Don't get upset
And now, is just the beginning
And we'll figure it out somehow

Right now, masquerade
Master the merry go round
Right now, masquerade
Master the merry go round
Right now...
It's something you create
It's never ever too late
It's never ever too late
Right now...
Okay to make a mistake
Yeah baby this is your day
It's time to masquerade

Verse 2:
Face it, face it
Full of bass in ya face
Hit the finish line
First place in the race
King Kong on ya chest
Running and I'm coming to baton to ya left
You can be who you want
Be who you is
Never be what you aren't
Never, never fold under pressure
Desperate times get desperate measures

Damn diggity-dog
Let them bums stay mad 'cus we livin' it up
Shelltops is on
And I'm popping like, I'm popping like, I'm popping some corn


Imma call your afro cause you never ball
Fuck all ya bitches and Iont never call
Next day, suck my teste
I ain't playing games
Bitch but checkmate

Breaker 1-9, Breaker 1-9, Breaker 1-9
All my party people lemme see you one time

La letra de la canción Masquerade - Nicki Minaj es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Nicki Minaj.
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