Me and Britney - Taylor Swift

Me and Britney - Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

Me and Britney

Letra de la canción Me and Britney - Taylor Swift, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Me and Britney esta publicada en la categoria Taylor Swift donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Me and Britney - Taylor Swift
Letra de Me and Britney - Taylor Swift
Me and Britney used to sip on the front porch 
... Drinking lemonade 
Talk about things no one else was ever supposed to hear 
In a summer shade 
She said she was gonna be a moviestar 
And I said she was crazy 
Catching dreams and fireflies in a jar 
Just Me and Britney 

Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh 

We were babies, we were beautiful and free 
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh ohThere was nothing that was out of reach 
Me and Britney 

She never made it to Hollywood 
But she made it to Memphis 
This little old town just hasn’t been the same since 
That boy she went out with, well I thought he was crazy 
Maybe I was just jealous it would come between me and Britney 

Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh 

She was in love, she was beautiful and free 
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh 
She was always so much braver than me 
When the phone rang in the middle of the night 
Before she said a word I knew it was her 
She said I’m sorry for waking you up 
but I didn’t know who else to call 
Or where else to go 

Me and Britney sat down on the front porch 
Talking ‘bout love and how it changes things 
Changes people and changes names everything but me and Britney
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh 
We’re not as young, but we’re still beautiful and free 

Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh 

Even when we’re old, we’re still gonna be me and Britney 
Sittin’ on the front porch 
Drinking lemonade 
Talking ‘bout things no one else was ever gonna hear 
In a summer shade.
La letra de la canción Me and Britney - Taylor Swift es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Taylor Swift.
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