Me & U - Lady Gaga

Me & U - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga

Me & U

Letra de la canción Me & U - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Me & U esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Lady Gaga
Letra de Me & U - Lady Gaga
You and me just you and mE
Just me and you
You and me just you and me Emotions
Emotions I feel
(these are the emotions I feel)
Emotions are real
(I know that emotions are real)
Cause you are my love
(you are my love, you are
my love baby, you are my love)
I got emotions
You got emotions

We need to be together
He ain't gone buy you nothin better
I don't wanna depress ya
I don't mess with them heffers
Baby you under pressure
All my entire levels
All them gifts on the regular
Brand new phantom umbrella
You wrong girl
We even got matchin
perfume and cologne girl
Ain't no other nigga gon be
touchin your thong girl
You mine ain't no denyin
Even witness me cryin
Take some time to rewind
This bullshit
Two human beings in love
Naw not like this
See you makin me cuss
Damn right i'm pissed
It was supposed to be us
This is ridiculous
Cause it was supposed to be us

Just you and me (just you and me)
Just me and you (just me and you)
Just you and me (you and me)
I can't let it go
Emotions I feel
(these are the emotions I feel)
Emotions are real
(I know that emotions are real)
Cause you are my love
(you are my love, you are
my love baby, you are my love)
I got emotions
You got emotions

I got your name tattoo'd
You think that's enough
fo make me to go nuts
like cashews
Knock my soul like we be
callin black fool
I mean devil knows you prolly
fucked another dude
I gave you that rose,
that ring when I proposed to you
Got rid of my gold teeth cause
your mama nail oops
And shot at them fools
who touch your brother now boo
And now you gon tell me
we should slow it
Not Flo-Rida I provide
the campbell soup
We'll sit by the dock
I spoon plagethera flu
You gots to be hot
Women, I ain't bout to lose
Get out this house
I pay tuiton on yo school
I mean to my knowledge
Until the end it's me and you

I don't care what those
other people say
They don't understand
Why I feel this way
Baby I don't care what
those other people say
They don't understand Emotions
Just you and me (just you and me)
Just me and you (just me and you)
Just you and me (just you and me)
I can't let it go
Emotions I feel
Emotions are real
Cause you are my love Emotions
You and me
La letra de la canción Me & U - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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