Morphine - Michael Jackson

Morphine - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson


Letra de la canción Morphine - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Morphine esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Morphine - Michael Jackson
He got flat, baby
Kicked in the back, baby
A heart attack, baby
I hate your power
A hot bitch, honey
He dug the ditch, baby
You make me sick, baby
So unreliable
I'm such a swine, baby
All down the line, debby
I hate your kind, baby
So unreliable
A hot buzz, baby
He want the buzz, baby
Another drug, baby
You don't deserve it
Trust in me
Trust in me
Put all your trust in me
You're doin' morphine
"You heard what the doctor said?"
He got the place, baby
Kicked in the face, baby
He hate your race, baby
You're not a liar
You're every lick, baby
Your dog's a bitch, baby
You make me sick, baby
You talk survival
She never come for me
She never want, baby
I got you up, baby
You're just a rival
Always a play, daddy
Right up your league, debby
You're throwin' shade, daddy
So undesirable
Trust in me
Just in me
Put all your trust in me
She doin' morphine
Go on, baby
Relax, this won't hurt you
Before I put it in
Close your eyes and count to ten
Don't cry, I won't convert you
There's no need to dismay
Close your eyes and drift away
Demerol, Demerol
Oh God, he's taking Demerol
Demerol, Demerol
Oh God, he's taking Demerol
He's trying hard to convince her
To give him more of what he had
Today he wants it twice as bad
Don't cry, I won't resent you
Yesterday you had his trust
Today he's taking twice as much
Demerol, Demerol
Oh God, he's taking Demerol
Demerol, Demerol
Oh my, he's got his Demerol
"You heard what the doctor said?"
He got shit, baby
Your dog's a bitch, baby
You make me sick, baby
You are a liar
He shoot the game, daddy
Deep in the pain, baby
You're all the same, baby
You're so reliable
Trust in me
Trust in me
Put all your trust in me
She's doin' morphine
You just sit around
You're talkin' of it
You're takin' morphine
Go on, baby
You just sit around
Try talkin' about it
You're takin' morphine
Just sit around
Just talkin' nothin' about it
She takin' morphine
You just sit around
You talkin' about it
You're takin' morphine
You just sit around
Just talkin' nothin'
And takin' morphine
Somethin's goin' down, baby
You're talkin' morphine
Go on, baby
Do it
She's takin' morphine
La letra de la canción Morphine - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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