Nothing At All - Santana

Nothing At All - Santana

Nothing At All

Letra de la canción Nothing At All - Santana, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Nothing At All esta publicada en la categoria Santana donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Nothing At All - Santana
I am a victim of my time
A product of my age
There was no choosing my direction
I was a holy man, but now
With all my trials behind me
I am weak in my conviction
And so I walk
To try to get away
Knowing that someday
I'll finally have to face
The fear that will come
From knowing that the one thing I had left, was you
And now you're gone
You are a victim of my crimes
A product of my rage
You are a beautiful distraction
(Yeah) So, I kept you locked away outside
Let misery provide
And now, I am ashamed
And so I walk
To try to find some space
Where I can be alone
To live with my mistakes
And the fear that will come
From knowing that the one thing I had left, was you
And now you're gone
(Is there nothing at all)
That I can do to turn your heart ?
(Is there nothing to lean on?)
That could help erase the scars
(And I wish you, Te quiero)
And I can use a little strength before I fall
Is there nothing at all?
I am a victim of my time
A product of my age
You alone are my obsession
So You were the one I left behind
You been heavy on my mind
It's been a lonely road I've travelled
And so I walk
To try to get away
Knowing that someday
I'll finally have to face
The fear that will come
From knowing that the one thing I had left, was you
And now you're gone
(Is there nothing at all?)
That I can do to turn your heart
(Is there nothing to lean on?)
That could help erase the scars
(And I wish you, Te quiero)
And I can use a little strength before I fall
Is there nothing at all?
 (Is there nothing at all?)
That I can do to turn your heart
(Is there nothing to lean on?)
That could help erase the scars
(And I wish you, Te quiero)
And I could use a little strength before I fall
Is there nothing at all?
La letra de la canción Nothing At All - Santana es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Santana.
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