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Nothing At All - Santana

Letra de la canción Nothing At All - Santana, con su video oficial para escuchar en línea, la canción Nothing At All interpretada por Santana esta publicada en la categoria Santana donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

Santana interpreta uno de los temas que más suenan, si te emociona la buena música y te gusta saber la letra de tus canciones favoritas no te pierdas la letra de Nothing At All , no dejaras de escucharla.

Video de Nothing At All - Santana

Letra de Nothing At All - Santana
I am a victim of my time
A product of my age
There was no choosing my direction
I was a holy man, but now
With all my trials behind me
I am weak in my conviction
And so I walk
To try to get away
Knowing that someday
I'll finally have to face
The fear that will come
From knowing that the one thing I had left, was you
And now you're gone
You are a victim of my crimes
A product of my rage
You are a beautiful distraction
(Yeah) So, I kept you locked away outside
Let misery provide
And now, I am ashamed
And so I walk
To try to find some space
Where I can be alone
To live with my mistakes
And the fear that will come
From knowing that the one thing I had left, was you
And now you're gone
(Is there nothing at all)
That I can do to turn your heart ?
(Is there nothing to lean on?)
That could help erase the scars
(And I wish you, Te quiero)
And I can use a little strength before I fall
Is there nothing at all?
I am a victim of my time
A product of my age
You alone are my obsession
So You were the one I left behind
You been heavy on my mind
It's been a lonely road I've travelled
And so I walk
To try to get away
Knowing that someday
I'll finally have to face
The fear that will come
From knowing that the one thing I had left, was you
And now you're gone
(Is there nothing at all?)
That I can do to turn your heart
(Is there nothing to lean on?)
That could help erase the scars
(And I wish you, Te quiero)
And I can use a little strength before I fall
Is there nothing at all?
 (Is there nothing at all?)
That I can do to turn your heart
(Is there nothing to lean on?)
That could help erase the scars
(And I wish you, Te quiero)
And I could use a little strength before I fall
Is there nothing at all?

La letra de la canción Nothing At All - Santana es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Santana.

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