Letra de la canción Overprotected - Britney Spears, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Overprotected esta publicada en la categoria Britney Spears donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Overprotected - Britney Spears
[Spoken:] I need time (time) Love (love) Joy (joy) I need space I need me (action!) Say hello to the girl that i am! You're gonna have to see through my perspective I need to make mistakes just to learn who i am And i don't wanna be so damn protected There must be another way Cause i believe in taking chances But who am i to say What a girl is to do God, i need some answers What am i to do with my life (you will find it out don't worry) How am i supposed to know what's right? (you just got to do it your way) I can't help the way i feel But my life has been so overprotected I tell 'em what i like What i want What i don't But every time i do i stand corrected Things that i've been told I can't believe what i hear about the world, i realize I'm overprotected There must be another way Cause i believe in taking chances But who am i to say What a girl is to do God i need some answers What am i to do with my life (you will find it out don't worry) How am i supposed to know what's right? (you just got to do it your way) I can't help the way i feel But my life has been so overprotected I need time (love) I need space (this is it, this is it) I don't need nobody telling me just what i wanna What i what what what i'm gonna Do about my destiny I say no, no Nobody's telling me just what what what i wanna do, do I'm so fed up with people telling me to be Someone else but me (action!) What am i to do with my life (you will find it out don't worry) How am i supposed to know what's right? (you just got to do it your way) I can't help the way i feel But my life has been so overprotected I don't need nobody telling me just what i wanna What i what what what i'm gonna Do about my destiny I say no, no Nobody's telling me just what i wanna do, do I'm so fed up with people telling me to be Someone else but me What am i to do with my life (you will find it out don't worry) How am i supposed to know what's right? (you just got to do it your way) I can't help the way i feel But my life has been so overprotected.
La letra de la canción Overprotected - Britney Spears es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Britney Spears.
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