People Make The World Go Round
Letra de la canción People Make The World Go Round - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción People Make The World Go Round esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de People Make The World Go Round - Michael Jackson
('Round and 'round and around...)
People make the world go 'round
('Round and 'round and around...)
Teachers on strike, no more school today
They want more money but the board won't pay
Everybody's talkin' 'bout ecology
The air's so polluted that it's hard to breathe
But that's what makes the world go round
The ups and downs a carousel
Changing people's heads around
Go underground young men...
People make the world go round...
Old folks judge you by the clothes you wear
They'd swear you're a hippy if you have long hair
Young politicians fight for poverty
While people still cry for equality
But that's what makes the world go round
The ups and downs a carousel
Changing people's heads around
Go underground young men...
People make the world go round...
But that's what makes the world go round
The ups and downs a carousel
Changing people's heads around
Go underground young men...
People make the world go round...
('Round and 'round and around...)
People make the world go 'round
('Round and 'round and around...)
Teachers on strike, no more school today
They want more money but the board won't pay
Everybody's talkin' 'bout ecology
The air's so polluted that it's hard to breathe
But that's what makes the world go round
The ups and downs a carousel
Changing people's heads around
Go underground young men...
People make the world go round...
Old folks judge you by the clothes you wear
They'd swear you're a hippy if you have long hair
Young politicians fight for poverty
While people still cry for equality
But that's what makes the world go round
The ups and downs a carousel
Changing people's heads around
Go underground young men...
People make the world go round...
But that's what makes the world go round
The ups and downs a carousel
Changing people's heads around
Go underground young men...
People make the world go round...
La letra de la canción People Make The World Go Round - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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