Permanent Marker - Taylor Swift

Permanent Marker - Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

Permanent Marker

Letra de la canción Permanent Marker - Taylor Swift, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Permanent Marker esta publicada en la categoria Taylor Swift donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Permanent Marker - Taylor Swift
Letra de Permanent Marker - Taylor Swift
I know he loved you 
A long time ago 
I ain’t jealous of you 
Just thought you should know 

You were never good enough for him 
Or anything like me 
So you might as well sit back 
Cuz I ain’t tryin to show maturity 

X is the shape I drew 
Through your face 
In permanent marker 
Oh ya 
Just like the mark you knew you were makinWho do you think you are 
To write on his heart 
In permanent marker 

I found those pictures 
Of you in that green dress 
Sure had a good time 
Cleaning up that mess 

He found 30 other pieces 
but he’ll never find them all 
Tried to tape them back together 
Now he knows to keep it off the wall 

X is the shape I drew 
Through your face 
In permanent marker 
Oh ya 
Just like the mark you knew you were makin 
Who do you think you are 
To write on his heart 
In permanent marker 

Well I don’t appreciate you callin him to reminisce 
The only reason is your seeing is how much better off he is 

X is the shape I drew 
Through your face 
In permanent marker 
Oh ya 
Just like the mark you knew you were makin 
Who do you think you are 
To write on his heart 

X is the shape I drew 
Through your face 
In permenant marker 
Oh ya 
Just like the mark you knew you were makin 
Who do you think you are 
To write on his heart 
In Permanent marker 

In permanent Marker 

Permanent Marker
La letra de la canción Permanent Marker - Taylor Swift es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Taylor Swift.
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