Piece Of Me - Britney Spears

Piece Of Me - Britney Spears
Britney Spears

Piece Of Me

Letra de la canción Piece Of Me - Britney Spears, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Piece Of Me esta publicada en la categoria Britney Spears donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Britney Spears

Letra de Piece Of Me - Britney Spears

I'm miss american dream
Since I was seventeen
Don't matter if I step on the scene
Or sneak away to the Philippines
They still gon' put pictures
Of my derriere in the magazines
You wanna piece of me?
(you wanna piece of me?)

I'm miss bad media karma
Another day another drama
Guess I can't see no harm in workin
And being a mama
And with a kid on my arm
Im still an exceptional earner
You wanna piece of me?

I'm Misses lifestyles of the rich and famous
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses oh my God that Britney's shameless
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses extra, extra this just in
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses she's too big now she's too thin
(you wanna piece of me?)

I'm Misses you wanna piece of me
Tryin'a pissin' me off
Well get in line with the paparazzi
Who's flippin me off
Hopin ill resort to some havoc
End up settlin' in court
Now are you sure you wanna piece of me?
(you wanna piece of me?)

I'm Misses most likely to get on the TV
For strippin' on the streets
When gettin' the groceries
For real, are you kidding me?
No wonder there's panic in the industry
I mean please
Do you wanna piece of me?

I'm Misses lifestyles of the rich and famous
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses oh my God that Britney's shameless
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses extra, extra this just in
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses she's too big now she's too thin
(you wanna piece of me?)

I'm miss american dream
Since I was seventeen
Don't matter if I step on the scene
Or sneak away to the Philippines
They still gon' put pictures
Of my derriere in the magazines
You wanna piece of me?
(you wanna piece, piece of me?)

You wanna piece of me?

I'm Misses lifestyles of the rich and famous
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses oh my God that Britney's shameless
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses extra, extra this just in
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses she's too big now she's too thin
(you wanna piece of me?)

I'm Misses lifestyles of the rich and famous
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses oh my God that Britney's shameless
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses extra, extra this just in
(you wanna piece of me?)
I'm Misses she's too big now she's too thin
(you wanna piece of me, piece of me?)

You wanna piece of me?

La letra de la canción Piece Of Me - Britney Spears es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Britney Spears.
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