Raining Men - Nicki Minaj ft.Rihanna

Raining Men - Nicki Minaj ft.Rihanna
Nicki Minaj

Raining Men

Letra de la canción Raining Men - Nicki Minaj ft.Rihanna, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Raining Men esta publicada en la categoria Nicki Minaj donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Nicki Minaj
Letra de Raining Men - Nicki Minaj ft.Rihanna
Eenie, meenie, minie, mo
get ya by ya toe
if ya want to let him go

Ladies don’t worry cause they got plenty more
they are falling like the rain so we aint running out
falling like the rain so we aint running out
falling like the rain so we aint running out
oh its raining men girl what you worry ’bout

Who you think you getting with that high let me freak ya
you got me mistaken if you thinking you gon get it easy
first of all you got to know that I’m no the one
think you getting something baby, you aint getting none
all you need to know that I’m a 2 times five
load it, cock i, aim it baby, boom bye bye
set your standards lower baby you’re aiming too high
matter of fact your friend looks better so (huh) good bye

Ladies don’t worry cause they got plenty more
they are falling like the rain so we aint running out
falling like the rain so we aint running out
falling like the rain so we aint running out
oh its raining men girl what you worry ’bout


[Nicki Minaj]
Ex-ex-excuse me but who are you, fixing the be(?)
let them muthaf-cker know there’s plenty fish in the sea
and you sweating me cause we got the tightest (?)
but I couldn’t find that thing with a microscope
give me dom dom-da-da-da-da-da-dom-dom-dom
I aint tripping on your money, money, long, long, long
got my own TV production company
so tell her bout it hit me, silly
anyway Ri-Ri what rhymes with your name freely?
money got you vacationing in Chile
don’t you wanna sit on the (?) like realy realy really
no for real, really?
laid down on the beach they be feeding me cat-fishes
cause it’s raining men, fat bitches

they are falling like the rain so we aint running out
falling like the rain so we aint running out
falling like the rain so we aint running out
oh its raining men girl what you worry ’bout


I said ay, outta my way, with my lady
(?) living good, doing big things
dancing dont pay, player keep the money, I can buy my own brain
up in the club, see me coming, dime a dozen so it don’t mean nothing to me
and I aint even worry bout you cause there’s plenty more fish in the sea

eenie, meenie, minie, mo
get ya by ya toe
if ya want to let him go

Ladies don’t worry cause they got plenty more
they are falling like the rain so we aint running out
falling like the rain so we aint running out
falling like the rain so we aint running out
oh its raining men girl what you worry ’bout

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