Save Yourself
Letra de la canción Save Yourself - James Morrison, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Save Yourself esta publicada en la categoria James Morrison donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Save Yourself - James Morrison
James morrison save yourself letras: I'm trying to change to make the best for us But i'm just the same, same as i ever was Oh, and if you stay with me, honestly it's what i want But if you stay with me i know i'll hurt you more So won't you save, save yourself By leaving me now for someone else? If i'm crying out don't listen to it It's only my heart, save yourself It's only my heart So tell me i'm wrong, please won't you change my mind? This love's so intense sometimes it can lead you blind Oh, and if you stay with me, honestly it's what i want But if you stay with me i know i'll hurt you more So won't you save, save yourself By leaving me now for someone else? If i'm crying out don't listen to it It's only my heart, save yourself It's only my heart, save yourself And i don't wanna let you go But i know that it's the right thing to do, baby And i don't think i'm that strong to say goodbye I don't wanna see you cry So won't you save, save yourself By leaving me now for someone else? If i'm crying out don't listen to it It's only my heart, save yourself It's only my heart, save yourself Said, it's only my heart, it's only my heart Only, only my heart
La letra de la canción Save Yourself - James Morrison es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista James Morrison.
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