She Got It - Michael Jackson

She Got It - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

She Got It

Letra de la canción She Got It - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción She Got It esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de She Got It - Michael Jackson
One, one
Talking in background inaudable
Is there a clap that is supposed to be in here?
Chucka, chucka
Hot legs all into the room, she's got
Hot keeper.
Mini stockings, purple panties that show
She's got
Fat lips witha ring in her nose
She's got
Busted butts all into the seat..she's got
I won't ****in, but she tryin to be mean (
thinkin, but she tryin to be mean)
And the boy don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the boy don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like, want it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't want it
And the boy don't want it
She got it
She got it
Hot lips all up to her neck
She's got
Funky finger but she's givin him sex
She's got
Bad legs all into the truth
She's got
(Such a feelin but she's singin the blues) she's got
...But she did rock'n roll
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like, want it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't want it
And the boy don't want it
She got it
Ha! She got it! she got it
Too much for me now
Too much for me
That big blonde, c'mon
Too much for me
Hot legs all into the room
She's got
Musty (murky) water, hot cheaper perfume
She's got
Mini stalkings, purple panties that show
She's got
Bad lips with a ring in her nose
she's got
Monkey busty all into her seat
She's got
She has to be a movie star, she'd sell on TV
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like/want it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't like it
And the boy don't want it
And the girl don't want it
And the boy don't want it
Cha (laughs)
Cha cha
She got it
Too much for me now
It's too much for me
And they don't want it
Too much for me
Too much for me!
Hoo! How! hut!
Chuck! Chuck!
Let me just loop...
La letra de la canción She Got It - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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