Speed Of Sound
Letra de la canción Speed Of Sound - Coldplay, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Speed Of Sound esta publicada en la categoria Coldplay donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Speed Of Sound - Coldplay
How long before I get in before it starts, before I begin How long before we decide before I know what it feels like Where do, where do I go if you never tried then you'll never know How long do I have to climb up on this side of this mountain of mine Look up, I look up at the night planets are moving at the speed of light Come up, up in the trees every chance that you get is a chance you seize How long I can stand with my head stuck under the sand I start before I can stop before I see things that I made up And all that noise, all that sound all those pieces that I have found and the earth is gone flying at the speed of sound to show how it all began birds come flying from the underground if you could see it then you'd understand Ideas that you'll never find all the inventors could never design The buildings that you put up Japan and China were all lit up The sign that I couldn't read all the land that I couldn't see Somethings you have to believe but others are puzzles, puzzling me And all that noise, all that sound all those pieces that I have found and the earth is gone flying at the speed of sound to show how it all began birds come flying from the underground if you could see it then you'd understand oh, when you see it then you'll understand All those signs I knew what they meant Something you can't invent Something great, something sad Ooh... Words go flying at the speed of sound to show how it all began birds came flying from the underground if you could see it then you'd understand oh, when you see it then you'll understand
La letra de la canción Speed Of Sound - Coldplay es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Coldplay.
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