Stay Stay Stay - Taylor Swift

Stay Stay Stay - Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

Stay Stay Stay

Letra de la canción Stay Stay Stay - Taylor Swift, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Stay Stay Stay esta publicada en la categoria Taylor Swift donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Stay Stay Stay - Taylor Swift
Letra de Stay Stay Stay - Taylor Swift
I'm pretty sure we almost broke up last night 
I threw my phone across the room at you 
I was expecting some dramatic turn away but you stayed 
This morning I said we should talk about it 
Cause I read you should never leave a file unresolved 
That's when you came in wearing a football helmet 
And said okay let's talk 
And I said... 

Stay stay stay i've been loving you for quite some time time timeYou think that it's funny when i'm mad mad mad 
But I think that it's best if we both stay 

Before you I only dated self 
indulgent takes who took all of their problems out on me 
But you carrying my groceries and now i'm always laughing 
And I love you because you have given me no choice but to 

Stay stay stay i've been loving you for quite some time time time 
You think that it's funny when i'm mad mad mad 
But I think that it's best if we both stay stay stay stay 

You took the time to memorize me my feels my hopes and dreams 
I just like hanging out with you all the time 
All those times that you didn't leave t's been occuring to me 
i'd like to hang out with you for my whole life 

Stay and i'll be loving you for quite some time 
No one else is gonna love me when I get mad mad mad 
So I think that it's best if we both stay stay stay stay 

Stay stay stay i've been loving you for quite some time time time 
You think that it's funny when i'm mad mad mad 
But I think that it's best if we both stay stay stay stay 

Stay stay stay i've been loving you for quite some time time time 
You think that it's funny when i'm mad mad mad 
But I think that it's best if we both stay
La letra de la canción Stay Stay Stay - Taylor Swift es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Taylor Swift.
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