Superfly Sister - Michael Jackson

Superfly Sister - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Superfly Sister

Letra de la canción Superfly Sister - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Superfly Sister esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Superfly Sister - Michael Jackson
Love ain't what it used to be
That is what they're tellin me
Push it in, Stick it out
That ain't what it's all about
He wanna do something Freaky to you
He wanna wrap his arms All around you, Girl
He wanna shake it up
Shake it down
Doin' it right
He wanna jump back
Half flat
Doin' it right
He wanna lay it down
Turn it up
Shakin' it loose
He wanna fly high
Night, right
Baby for you
He wanna motor mouth
Motor run
Givin' it back
He wanna shake it up
Shake it down
Doin' now , ha ha
Love ain't what it used to be
That is what they're tellin me
Push it in, Stick it out
That ain't what it's all about
Susie like to agitate
Get the boy and make him wait
Mother's preaching Abraham
Brothers they don't give a damn
He wanna do something Freaky to you
He wanna wrap his arms All around you, Girl
He wanna do it up
Lick it hot
Deep in the night
He wanna eye ball
Get all
Playin' it right
He wanna turn the key
Work the sheets
Move to the laft
He wanna hot stuff
Hot love
Makin' it wet
He wanna drip hot
Jump shot
Move to the left
He wanna time bomb
Slam dunk , ha ha ha ha
Keep doin' it
Party now
Love ain't what it used to be
That is what they're tellin me
Push it in, Stick it out
That ain't what it's all about
Sister say she love him some
(she doin' it , she doin it)
She got his Jimmy on the run
Mother's preaching Abraham
Brothers they don't give a damn

Johnny's begin pretty please
Keep the brothers on his knees
Susie likes to agitate
(Keep doin' it, Keep doin' it)
Get the boys and make him wait
Sister's married to a hood
Sayin' that she's got it good
Holy Mary, mercy me
Can't belive the things I see
Braggin' that they got is great
They doin' what they used to hate
Push it in , Stick it out
(Keep doin' it , Keep doin' it)
That aint what its all about
Holy Mary, mercy me
(Holy Mary, moly mary)
Can't belive the things I see
(Go on now, hee!)
Mother's preaching Abraham
(She's doin' it , she's doin' it)
Brothers they don't give a damn
(Hoo, hoo! , Hoo hoo)
(Holy mary, moly mary)
Sister say she love him some
(She's goin' now, hoo)
Got his Jimmy on the run
(His Jimmy, hee hee)
Holy Mary, mercy me
(She's holy Mary , moly Mary)
Can't belive the things I see
(Keep goin' , hee hee)
You're doin' it
You're dirty
Keep doin' it
You're dirty
Keep nasty
You're nasty
You're doint it
You're dirty
You're dirty
You're doin' it
You're nasty
You're doin' it
Keep dirty
Keep dirty
You realy want it
(Close your eyes)
(I Gotta make)
(Close the door)
(She's dirty)
(She's oh)
(Keep on goin')
(Party Down)
Holy Mary , mercy me
I can't belive the things I see
Push it in, Stick it out
That ain' what its all about
La letra de la canción Superfly Sister - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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