Tease Me - Michael Jackson

Tease Me - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Tease Me

Letra de la canción Tease Me - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Tease Me esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Tease Me - Michael Jackson
We can do it nice and slow
Sex o'clock it's getting dark
And do all alone
So dim the lights, lock the door
Baby, come on
'Cos I've waited for this moment
For so long
I don't want just anybody
Who wants to get it on
I don't think that I can
hold my feelings
Back no more
So baby, please stop
Ooh, it's getting hot
Girl, you better not
Why you always wanna tease me
I don't wanna waste no time
So bring your body close to mine
We can do it nice and slow
And easy
(I don't wanna waste)
I don't wanna waste no time
So baby, just let it all unwind
Girl, don't tease me
Well it's time
Let your mind
Blow the horn
Come a little closer baby
Don't be afraid
Let me show you the
way to my love
Come on
'Cos I need somebody
do love me all night long
I don't want just anybody
Who wants to get it on
(I don't wanna waste no time)
I don't think that I can
hold my feelings
So baby, please stop
Ooh, it's getting hot
Girl you better not
Why you always wanna tease me
I don't wanna waste no time
(why you wanna tease)
Don't tease me
We can do it nice and slow
(I don't understad)
Why you wanna tease
(I don't understand)
Tease, tease me
I don't wanna waste no time
Why you wanna tease,
don't tease me
Girl, don't tease me
(tease me, tease me)
I don't wanna waste no time
So bring your body close to mine
(tease me)
We can do it nice and slow
And easy
(don't tease me, baby)
I don't wanna waste no time
Baby, just let it all unwind
Girl, don't tease me
Why you wanna tease me
(Tease me)
Tease me
(Tease me)
Why you wanna tease me
(Tease me)
Say why you wanna, why
you wanna, why you,
why you, why you wanna
tease me
(Tease me)
Why you wanna tease me
(Tease me, tease me)
No, no, no, no, no
(repeat chorus to end)
La letra de la canción Tease Me - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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