Teeth - Lady Gaga

Teeth - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga


Letra de la canción Teeth - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Teeth esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Lady Gaga
Letra de Teeth - Lady Gaga
Don’t be scared
I’ve done this before
Show me your teeth
Don’t want no money (want your money)

That shit’s is ugly
Just want your sex (want your sex)
Take a bit of my bad girl meat (bad girl meat)
Take a bite my me
Show me your teeth
Let me see your mean

Got no direction (no direction)
I need direction
Just got my vamp (got my vamp)

Take a bite of my bad girl meat (bad girl meat)
Take a bit of me boy
Show me your teeth
The truth is sexy

Tell me something that’ll save me
I need a man who makes me alright (man who makes me alright)
Just tell me when it’s alright
Tell me something that’ll change me

I’m gonna love you with my hands tied
Show me your teeth
Just tell me when
Show me your teeth
Open your mouth boy
Show me your teeth
Show me whatcha got
Show me your teeth teeth teeth teeth

Got no salvation (no salvation)
Got no salvation
Got nor religion (no religion)
My religion is you
Take a bite of my bad girl meat (bad girl meat)
Take a bit of me boy
Show me your teeth
I’m a tough bitch

Got my addictions (my addictions)
And I love to fix ‘em (and I love to fix ‘em)
No one’s perfect
Take a bite of my bad girl meat (bad girl meat)
Take a bit of me boy
Show me your teeth
I just need a little guidance

Tell me something that’ll save me
I need a man who makes me alright (man who makes me alright)
Just tell me when it’s alright
Tell me something that’ll change me
I’m gonna love you with my hand tied

Show me your teeth
Just tell me when
Show me your teeth
Open your mouth boy
Show me your teeth
Show me whatcha got
Show me your teeth teeth teeth teeth
Show me your teeth

My religion is you
My religion is you

Help need a man
Now show me your fangs (my religion is you)
Help need a man
Now show me your fangs (my religion is you)
Help need a man
Now show me your fangs (my religion is you)
Tell me something that’ll save me
I need a man who makes me alright (man who makes me alright)

Just tell me it’s alright
Tell me something that’ll change me
I’m gonna love you with my hands tied
Show me your teeth
Just tell me when
Show me your teeth
Open your mouth boy
Show me your teeth
Show me whatcha got
Show me your teeth
Teeth teeth teeth
Show me your teeth
It’s not how big, it’s how mean

Show me your teeth
Open your mouth boy
Show me your teeth
My religion is you
Show me your teeth

I just need a little guidance
Show me your teeth
La letra de la canción Teeth - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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