The Lady Is a Tramp (ft. Tony Bennett) - Lady Gaga

The Lady Is a Tramp (ft. Tony Bennett) - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga

The Lady Is a Tramp (ft. Tony Bennett)

Letra de la canción The Lady Is a Tramp (ft. Tony Bennett) - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción The Lady Is a Tramp (ft. Tony Bennett) esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Lady Gaga
Letra de The Lady Is a Tramp (ft. Tony Bennett) - Lady Gaga
She gets too hungry for dinner at eight (I'm starving)
She loves the theater but she never comes late
I never bother with people I hate
That’s why this chick is a tramp

She doesn't like crap games with barons and earls
Won't go to Harlem in ermine and pearls
And I definitely won’t dish the dirt with the rest of those girls
That’s why the lady is a tramp

I love the free fresh wind in my hair
Life without care
Oh, I'm so broke, it’s OK!
I hate California. It's crowded and damp
that’s why the lady is a tramp
I'm a tramp!

Sometimes I go to Coney Island
Oh, the beach is divine
I love the yankees
Jeter is just fine
I follow rounders and park
She sings every line
That's why the lady is a tramp

I love the prize fight
That isn't a fake (No fakes)
And I love to rowboat with you and your wife in Central Park Lake
She goes to the opera and stays wide awake (yes I do)
That's why this lady is a tramp

She likes the green (green) grass (grass) under her shoes
What can I lose? Cause I got no dough (Oh, no?)
I'm all alone when I'm doing my hair
that’s why the lady is a tramp, go!

I love your free fresh, I love your handkerchief in my hair
Life without care
but I'm so broke, that's oh!

Hates California, it's cold and it's damp
that's why the lady is a tramp
that's why this lady is a tramp
that's why the lady is a tramp
La letra de la canción The Lady Is a Tramp (ft. Tony Bennett) - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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