The Man
Letra de la canción The Man - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción The Man esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de The Man - Michael Jackson
There's a man
Who plays the game of life so well
There's such a man
His thoughts you can never tell
And it's just the way he thought it would be
'Cause the day has come for him to be free
Then he laughs, he kicks and rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man
And it's just the way he thought it would be
'Cause the day has come for him to be free
Then he laughs, he kicks and rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man
There's a man
Everybody thought they knew
There's such a man
He's not like me and you
And it's just the way she thought it would be
As he says, something has happened to me
Then he laughs, he kicks and rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man
Did you know - this man can do anything?
There's such a man
I wish that we could bring
And it's just the way he thought it would be
'Cause the day has come for him to be free
Then he laughs, he kicks and rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man
And it's just the way he thought it would be
'Cause the day has come for him to be free
Then he laughs, he kicks and rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man
Who plays the game of life so well
There's such a man
His thoughts you can never tell
And it's just the way he thought it would be
'Cause the day has come for him to be free
Then he laughs, he kicks and rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man
And it's just the way he thought it would be
'Cause the day has come for him to be free
Then he laughs, he kicks and rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man
There's a man
Everybody thought they knew
There's such a man
He's not like me and you
And it's just the way she thought it would be
As he says, something has happened to me
Then he laughs, he kicks and rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man
Did you know - this man can do anything?
There's such a man
I wish that we could bring
And it's just the way he thought it would be
'Cause the day has come for him to be free
Then he laughs, he kicks and rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man
And it's just the way he thought it would be
'Cause the day has come for him to be free
Then he laughs, he kicks and rolls up his sleeves
I'm alive and I'm here forever
This is the man
La letra de la canción The Man - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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