Things I Do For You - Michael Jackson

Things I Do For You - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Things I Do For You

Letra de la canción Things I Do For You - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Things I Do For You esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Things I Do For You - Michael Jackson
People all over the world
are the same everywhere I go
I give in to this, I give in to that
Every day it bothers me so
Am I in a bad situation
People taking me to the exteme
Am I being used
I just need a clue
I don't know which way to go
So I took my problems to a doctor
So he could check it out, (he don't know)
Took it to a palm reader so she could
Read my hand, (she don't know)
(Five minutes later )
I started to understand
I started screaming, shouting, acting mad
No one could help me but myself
But I gave everything I had
It's things I do for you
In return do the same for me
It's things I do for you
In return do the same for me
Always wanting something for nothing
Especially what they don't deserve
Reaching in my pocket
I just got to stop it
Even though they got a lot of nerve
Am I in a bad situation
People taking me to the extreme
They don't use rejection
So I need protection
To keep my equity
So I took my problems to a doctor
So he could check it out, (he don't know)
Took it to a palm reader so she could
Read my hand, (she don't know)
(Five minutes later)
I started to understand
I started screaming, shouting, acting mad
No one could help me but myself
But I gave everything I had
It's things I do for you
In return do the same for me
It's things I do for you
La letra de la canción Things I Do For You - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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