Today My Life Begins - Bruno Mars

Today My Life Begins - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Today My Life Begins

Letra de la canción Today My Life Begins - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Today My Life Begins esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Today My Life Begins - Bruno Mars
I've been working hard so long
Seems like pain has been my only friend
My fragile heart's been done so wrong
I've wondered if I'd ever heal again
Just like all the seasons,
Never stay the same
All around me I can feel a change (ohh)
I will break these chains that bind me
Happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me
Today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting
It's mine for the takin
I know I can make it
Today my life begins
Yesterday has come and gone
And I've learnt how to leave it where it is
And I see that I was wrong
For ever doubhtin I could win
Just like all the seasons,
Never stay the same
All around me I can feel a change (ohh)
I will break these chains that bind me
Happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me
Today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting
It's mine for the takin
I know I can make it
Today my life begins
Life's too short to have regrets
So I'm learning not to leave it in the past
And try to forget
We only have one life to live
So you better make the best of it
I will break these chains that bind me
Happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me
Today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting
It's mine for the takin
I know I can make it
Today my life begins
I will break these chains that bind me
Happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me
Today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting
It's mine for the takin
I know I can make it
Today my life begins
La letra de la canción Today My Life Begins - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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