Top Of The World - Bruno Mars

Top Of The World - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Top Of The World

Letra de la canción Top Of The World - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Top Of The World esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Top Of The World - Bruno Mars
It's your boy Bruno
Imma take ya to the top girl, hey
Top of the world. you ready?
C'mon (let's go)
I feel higher than the ceiling
Cause I'm floating on this feelin'
So long my feet have been up off the floor
Destiny is what I call it
My Heart's for sale and girl you bought it
The moment that you walk right through the door ooh
Till the day that I stop livin'
Girl my love I won't stop givin'
Cross my heart and hope to die my love is yours
And I pray girl that this feeling
Is something that we always feelin'
If you're with it girl, hear me girl
This is what I'll do
I will give you the world
Put it in your hands
Cause I ain't never felt this way before
On top of the world
Is where we'll stand
You just say the word and girl it's yours
Ha ooooh it feels so good baby yeah
And to me you're like a flower
It's a blessing every hour
And i get to spend this time with you
And I won't take you for granted next to you is where I'm standing
Girl you're a dream come true
Till the day that I stop livin'
Girl my love I won't stop givin'
Cross my heart and hope to die my love is yours
And I pray girl that this feeling
Is something that we always feelin'
If you're with it girl, hear me girl
This is what I'll do
I will give you the world
Put it in your hands
Cause I ain't never felt this way before (cause I ain't never felt this way before)
On top of the world
Is where we'll stand (where we'll stand girl)
You just say the word and girl it's yours (the word and girl its yours)
Just take my hand ooh
We can float to the sky, baby just you and I
Never let you go
Just take my hand
So many things I wanna show you girl
While we're on top of the world
I will give you the world
Put it in your hands
Cause I ain't never felt this way before (cause I ain't never felt this way before)
On top of the world
Is where we'll stand
You just say the word and girl it's yours (you just say the word and girl its yours)
I will give you the world
Put it in your hands
Cause I ain't never felt this way before (cause I ain't never felt this way before)
On top of the world
Is where we'll stand
You just say the word and girl it's yours
It's all for you girl
It's all for you
Let's go
La letra de la canción Top Of The World - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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