Today was a Fairytale - Taylor Swift

Today was a Fairytale - Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

Today was a Fairytale

Letra de la canción Today was a Fairytale - Taylor Swift, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Today was a Fairytale esta publicada en la categoria Taylor Swift donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Today was a Fairytale - Taylor Swift
Letra de Today was a Fairytale - Taylor Swift
Today was a fairy tale 
You were the prince 
I used to be a damsel in distress 
You took me by the hand 
And you picked me up at six 
Today was a fairy tale 
Today was a fairy tale 

Today was a fairy tale 
I wore a dress 
You wore a dark gray t-shirt 
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess 
Today was a fairy tale 
Time slows down 
Whenever you're around 

Can you feel this Magic in the air? 
It must've been the way you kissEd meFell in love when I saw you standin' there 
It must've been the way 
Today was a fairy tale 
It must've been the way 
Today was a fairy tale 

Today was a fairy tale 
You've got a smile 
That takes me to another planet 
Every move you make 
Every thing you say is right 
Today was a fairy tale 

Today was a fairy tale 
All that I could say is now it's Getting so much clearer 
Nothing made sense til the time I saw your face 
Today was a fairy tale 
Time slows down 
Whenever you're around-Yeah 

Can you feel this magic in the air? 
It must've been the way you kissed me 
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there 
It must've been the way 
Today was a fairy tale 
It must've been the way 
Today was a fairy tale 

Time slows down 
Whenever you're around 
I can feel my heart 
It's beating in my chest 
Did you feel it 
I can't put this down 

Can you feel this magic in the air? 
It must've been the way you kissed me 
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there 
It must've been the way 

Can you feel this magic in the air? 
It must've been the way you kissed me 
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there 
It must've been the way 
Today was a fairy tale 
It must've been the way 
Today was a fairy tale 

Oh Oh Ooh Yeah oh 
Today was a fairy tale
La letra de la canción Today was a Fairytale - Taylor Swift es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Taylor Swift.
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