Torture - Michael Jackson

Torture  - Michael Jackson
Letra de la canción Torture - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Torture esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Torture - Michael Jackson
It was on a street so evil
So bad that even hell disowned it
Every single step was trouble
For the fool who stumbled on it
Eyes within the dark were watchin'
I felt the sudden chill of danger
Something told me keep on walkin'
Told me I should not have gone there
Baby, 'cause you cut me like a knife (ooh)
Without your love in my life
Alone I walk in the night
'Cause I just can't stop this feeling
It's torture
It's torture
It's torture (ooh)
She was up a stair to nowhere
A room forever I'll remember
She stared as though I should have known her
Tell me what's your pain or pleasure
Every little thing you find here
Is simply for the thrill you're after
Loneliness or hearts on fire
I am here to serve all masters
She said, 'Reality is a knife
When there's no love in your life
Unmerciful is the night
When you just can't stop this feeling'
It's torture
It's torture
It's torture
And I still can't find the meaning, no
No, no, of the face I keep on seeing
Was she real or am I dreaming
Did the sound of your name
Turn a wheel
Start a flame in me (ooh)
Baby, 'cause you cut me like a knife
Without your love in my life
Alone I walk in the night
And I just can't stop this feeling
It's torture
It's torture
It's torture
La letra de la canción Torture - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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