Treacherous - Taylor Swift

Treacherous - Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift


Letra de la canción Treacherous - Taylor Swift, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Treacherous esta publicada en la categoria Taylor Swift donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Treacherous - Taylor Swift
Letra de Treacherous - Taylor Swift
Put your lips close to mine 
As long as they don’t touch 
Out of focus eye to eye 
Till the gravity’s too much 
And I’ll do anything you say 
If you say it with your hands 
And I’d be smart to walk away 
But you’re quicksand 

This slope is treacherous 
This path is reckless 
This slope is treacherous 
And I I I Like it 
I can’t decide if it’s a choice 
Getting swept away 
I hear the sound of my own voice 
Asking him to stay 
And all we are is skin and bone 
Train to get alone 
Forever going with the flow 
But your friction 

This slope is treacherous 
This path is reckless 
This slope is treacherous 
I I I Like it 

Two headlights shine through the sleepless night and I will 
Get you get you alone 
Your name has echoed through my mind and I just 
Think you should think you should know 
That nothing safe is worth the drive and I would 
Follow you follow you home 
Follow you follow you home 

This hope is treacherous 
This daydream is dangerous 
This hope is treacherous 
I I I 
I I I 
I I I 

Two headlights shine through the sleepless night and I will 
Get you get you alone 
Your name has echoed through my mind and I just 
Think you should think you should know 
That nothing safe is worth the drive and I would 
Follow you follow you home 
Follow you follow you home 
Follow you follow you home 
Follow you follow you home 
This slope is treacherous 
I I I 
Like it
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