Trouble - Michael Jackson

Trouble - Michael Jackson
Letra de la canción Trouble - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Trouble esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Trouble - Michael Jackson
I don't wanna move when I'm in her hands
There's nothing I can do or say. Uh!
Put everything on hold. Cancel all my plans
Tell everybody I'm away - Hey.
She may be bad, but she feels so good
I'll give her anything she wants.
She's trouble (I know it)
She only needs to touch me
I'm in trouble (I know it) Hee! Ow.
She's trouble (I love it)
I know just when she does it
I'm in trouble (I know it)
I never knew what's running through her mind
No telling what she's gonna do - Ee.
Her every move is like a danger sign
And daring me to come on through - Hey!
She may be bad, but she feels so good
I give her anything she wants.
She's trouble (I know it)
She only needs to touch me
I'm in trouble (I know it) Hee! Ow.
She's trouble (I love it)
I know just when she does it
I'm in trouble (I know it)
She's trouble
She knows what I like
I got a feeling I'm falling (Going in trouble)
There's no hope in sight
I'm in way over my head.
She's trouble (I know it)
She only needs to touch me
I'm in trouble (I know it) Oo!
She's trouble (I love it)
I know just when she does it
I'm in trouble (I know it) Oo!
She's trouble (I know it)
Only needs to...(I know it)
(I know it)
(I love it) 
La letra de la canción Trouble - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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